Q: What files will I receive when I commission you?

> I always send out low and high resolution versions of your art in a PNG format (if you want something else just lemme know).

Q: Can I have a PSD/SAI file too?

> Sure. Remember some programs might have problems translating SAI layer effects tho.

Q: What's considered an excessive change?

> If I end up spending over an hour on edits, or if I'm changing one thing at a time instead of being given a list and doing it all at once then we're getting into excessive territory.

Q: What qualifies as a complex design?

> Any character which has a lot of intricate markings, many layered or detailed outfits (or a ton of props) can be qualified as complex. I'll let you know if I consider your chara complex before you get an invoice.

Q: How much time does it take for my commission to be finished?

> It takes about 3-4 weeks (tho most of the time I complete commissions faster). I have a job and sometimes I just can't spend much time on drawing. That's also why I only take 2-3 per batch.

Q: Can I use the stuff you made as profile pictures, banners on Twitter/Discord?

> Yes.

[ Updated on: 31.12.2023 ]